What programming language you should learn in 2023

What programming language you should learn in 2023 and an intro to them.

If you're new to the code world, you may feel overwhelmed with information and confused on which language to learn for the domain you want to explore, but don't fret, this article will guide you on which language is the best for you. It's good to know that programming in general is an in-demand skill so all these languages are sought after and have high-paying job roles, and they are in no order.


Python is a high-level, Interpreted, versatile and General purpose programming language released in 1991 and was created by Guido van Rossum, and it's used in many fields. Python is known for its simple, clean syntax and ease of use which makes it a popular choice for beginners. Python is Open source and has a huge ecosystem. Python is the most used language because it has the widest range of applications including Data Science, Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning, IoT and Robotics, CyberSecurity, Web development, and Automation.


JavaScript is a high-level, versatile and interpreted programming language which was first released in 1995 by Netscape. JavaScript is a fast and lightweight client-side scripting language that runs on the web browser. It is primarily used in web development and is used to add interactivity to web pages. JavaScript is also an open-source language and has a wide range of applications which include: Web development, Server-side programming, Game development, Mobile app development, Desktop app development.


C++ (pronounced "see plus plus") is a general-purpose, high-level programming language that was created by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1983 but commercially released in 1985. It is an extension of C language and is known for its speed and efficiency, control over hardware resources and direct access to memory, which makes it a great choice for Hardware enthusiasts and High-performance systems, so if you're interested in embedded systems, or anything Electronics, Then this is for you. C++ can be more difficult to learn than some other languages due to its complexity. Other applications where it's useful are Operating systems, Game Development, Robotics, and VR systems.


PHP stands for HyperText Preprocessor, It is a server-side scripting language released in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf. It is an open-source language used mainly for Web development to create dynamic and interactive web pages, along with its most popular framework for building web apps - Laravel. Other use cases of PHP include: Content Management systems, data analysis and CyberSecurity.


Java is a high-level, object-oriented programming language first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. With the slogan - "Write Once, Run Anywhere", it is one of the most widely used programming languages due to its scalability, flexibility, security and ease of use. It's the language of choice by Native Android developers(Native means specific to an OS). Java has a wide range of uses, including Desktop application development, Web development using frameworks like Springboot, Mobile applications, and Management systems.


Go, also known as Golang was developed by Google in 2007. It is an open-source language built to be efficient and scalable. Go is a versatile language well-suited for building high-performance, concurrent software, including web servers and command-line utilities. Go has a wide range of applications including Web development, Cloud computing, and Networking.


TypeScript is an open-source language, versatile language that is a superset of JavaScript and was first released in 2012. Think of it as JavaScript but with steroids. Some of the benefits of TypeScript are static typing, and error checking, this makes code easier to maintain, which makes it a better choice amongst web developers. some of the applications of Typescript are mainly in Web development, and mobile app development and a not-so-popular area is Game development.

That's it, if you want to go self taught or a boot camp, it's recommended you learn one or more of these. It's safe to note these languages would likely not be replaced soon, and they'll also not be replaced by AI soon.

Check out these resources to get started: